Delivering Customized Advertising Solutions.

Integrating Marketing and Technology

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About Us

Athena Media is the most promising mobile advertising and publishing company. Equipped with a highly experienced team, Athena boasts of empowering its clients with customized advertising solutions that are designed and developed through the lenses of our customers. To help brands acquire relevant users, our ad solutions are highly adaptive and are developed after thorough market research and analysis. With our ROI driven solutions, we ensure the growth of brands while helping the publishers to monetize their traffic, thus creating a mutually beneficial ecosystem for both advertisers and publishers.

Benefits for Advertisers

Leveraging the ever-growing mobile driven world, we offer the most adaptive, fluid and competitive advertising solutions across mediums that go beyond the mobile and encompasses the potential of social media based on your demographics.

Pay For Performance / Brand Reach

Pay For Performance / Brand Reach

Direct Traffic From Publishers

Direct Traffic From Publishers

Email, Display & Programmatic Solutions

Email, Display & Programmatic Solutions

Mobile & Desktop Global Distribution

Mobile & Desktop Global Distribution

Brand & Fraud Protection

Brand & Fraud Protection

Benefits for Publishers

We offer great value to the publishers who believe in working beyond the monetization and acquisition. We offer a wide array of consistent campaigns which not only have a high rate of conversion, but also come at the most competitive pricing to provide exponential revenue streams across digital mediums.

Monetize Traffic

Monetize Traffic the way you want

Exclusive Offers

Exclusive Offers

Payment Terms

Unmatched Payment Terms

24X7 Support

24X7 Support

Own Products

Own Products


We're Built For Performance

Athena Media works with an adaptive and performance driven technology which is designed to yield the best performance goals. Athena’s data driven tracking system ensures that our unique demands get the most yielding supply and at the same time provides highest monetization of traffic for the publishers.

  • - Own Products
  • - SDK
  • - Programmatic Division

Our Valued Partners

We have earned a reputed position in the industry with our diligence and consistent progress. We have worked with a number of premium clients such as (Do-Global, NewBorn Town, Webpals, Glispa, Jingle Mobi, Sift Media, APUS etc.)

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